Monday, February 11, 2013

Section 1 and 2

Section 1
1) What are examples of functional, formal, and perceptual regions?
>An example of Formal region would be Sahel in Africa. An example of functional region is a city transit  system. An example for perceptual region is "back home".
2) What six essential elements are used to organize the study of geography?
> The world in Spatial Term, Places and Regions, Physical Systems, Human Systems, Enviornment and Society, and The uses of Geography.
3) How is the study of human geography different from the study of physical geography?
>Human geography is based on humans and physical geography focus on the physical appearance.
4) What do you think a "geographical approach" to studying an issue might be? 
>It might cause the whole geography to change.
5) Jobs in Geography: 

  • Governmental Agencies
  • United States Geological Survey (USGS)
  • Business 
  • Schools

Section 2
1) What do the letters N, S, E, and W mean when they accompany labels for latitude and longitude?
>North, South, East, and West.
2) What regional features are found on special maps at the beginning of each unit throughout this textbook?
3) Why are population pyramids sometimes called age-structure diagrams?
4) What 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Page 22

Chapter 1 Section 1, 2 Review Questions

Section 1
1) What are two main branches in the study of geography?
>Cartography and Meterology
2) What six essentials elements help us organize the study of geography?
>The world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the uses of geography.
3) How are the three kinds of regions defined?
>Formal, functional, and perceptual regions.
Section 2
4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three main map projections?
>Used to create flat maps. And the disadvantages are that they would exaggerated in size.
5) What are six kinds of special purpose maps?
>Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, Conic Projection, and Flat-plane projection.

Thinking Critically 
1) How are formal, functional, and perceptual regions different from each other?
>Formal regions has one or more features that make it different from the rest. Functional regions are regions that are linked together and function as a unit. Perceptual regions are regions that reflect human feelings and attitudes. 
2) How would the six essential elements help you organize the study of your community's geography?
>It makes our life easier by helping us locate where we want to go or where we are located?
3) How might different perspectives affect the way different people perceive the region around your community?
>There is more different regions and its affected by people's beliefs.