Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Chapter 24
Section 1
1. Which landform region covers the largest area of Southern Africa?
>Raised area
2. How does the cold ocean current off the Atlantic coast influence Southern Africa climates?
>Change in temperature
3.What are the two deserts in this region, and how are their environments different?
>Namib-worlds highest sand dumes, dry
4. Do you think Southern Africa's rivers are vital links between the region's interior and global trade? Why or why not?
>Yes, because it would speed up the trade.
5. Landforms: high areas and desserts
Climates: wet and dry
Resources: energy and minerals
Section 2
1. Which three European countries had colonies in southern Africa?
>Britain, Germany, Portugal
2. How were the cities of southern Africa established?
3. Why are European languages still used in several countries of southern Africa?
>Because the English influenced them and were forced to learn it after not having much choice
4. Why do you think nonwhite South Africans were so unwilling to accept the system of apartheid? Why do you think many whites wanted the system to continue? How did public policies change in the 1990's?
>Because it would only benefit the whites and not the non whites, it changed to benefit both.
5. Languages: Bantu, Sotho, Nguni
Religions: believed in ancestors, spirits
Land use: cities, seaport
Customs: still follow their religion 
Compare: used by Africans, changed after the English arrived
Section 3
1. What makes South Africa the most economically develop country in the region?
> Richest country
2. What are some of the main cash crops grown on commercial farms in southern Africa? 
> Tobacco
3. Why might governments in this region want to purse policies that encourage the development of a wide range of resources.
> because they are very successful
4. How might the countries of southern Africa protect and develop their tourist industries?
> Supporting its biodiversity
5. Rapid urban growth. Cause: Passing to generation
Poor nutrient. Cause: Poor country
Pollution. Cause: Government
Environmental damage. Cause: Pollution

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Cinco de mayo is a celebration celebrated on may fithfh. Yes very obvious, but whats not obvious is why we celebrate it. Cinco de mayo is when Mexicans defeated the French Army. This was their greatest victory in history. Yet, this celebration is mostly celebrated in the United States but barley in Mexico. Many people denied that black people helped and now society has made it seem that blacks and mexicans dont get along.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Central America and the Caribbean

Section 1

What climates types are found in Central America? What are some factors that influence these climates?
>Tropical climate and cold in the mountains
How and why does the physical geography of Martinique differ from that of the Cayman Islands?
>Martinique is an active volcano and Cayman Islands are form by volcanoes with no volcanoes.
Do you think that the region's climate should be considered a natural source? Why and why not?
>No, although it is natural it is not a source
Where are volcanic eruptions and earthquakes least likely to occur: Central America, the Greater Antilles, or Lesser Antilles? Why?
>Greater Antilles because it is an older area.
>Landforms: Mountains, Cocos plate, Volcanoes, and islands.
>Climates: Wet, dry, warm, and sunny.
>Resources: Warm and sunny climate.

Section 2

What evidence of Spanish colonization remains in Central America today?
>Names and churches
How is the practice of agriculture similar in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Panama?
>Prominent suppliers of many products.
Why do you think the region surrounding the Panama Canal is generally prosperous and industrial?
>Because of the Tropical Rainforest surrounding that region and crops will grow well.
How do patterns of land use in Central America affect social, economic, and political conditions in the region?
>It causes conflict
Central American Countries ethnic makeup
>Costa Rica:
>El Salvador:
Section 3
 What factors help to explain the high rate of emigration from some Caribbean islands?
How and why has the collapse of the Soviet Union affected the economy of Cuba?
>Cuba lost their strongest ally
Do you agree that emphasizing tourism is a good approach to economic growth in the Caribbean countries? Why or why not?
>Yes more tourism is more likely to bring more people and rise of population
How is the Caribbean's history reflected in its culture today?
>Culture is due on history
Compare and Contrast
>Caribbean islands:
>Countries of Central America: